Looks like Virus and Malware writers are ready o bust the myth of Mac users that they are not prone to virus and malware attacks. Almost all the Mac users believe that they are immune from virus, Malware attacks etc and only Windows users need to be worried about these things. The myth has started […]
credit card
How to remove MacDefender, MacProtector or MacSecurity malware
Looks likes malware authors finally wrote a malware for Apple Mac OSX finally which did made into headlines as it infected Mac systems which most Mac users wont even dream of. Even Apple was reluctant to admit this at first and its Technicians were asked to refrain from talking about this MacDefender, MacProtector or MacSecurity […]
New Phising attempt to steal your banking passwords with a new offline approach
Cyber criminals keep a eye on the latest news and do not miss a single chance to cash on any of them. In wake of Government of India Banning Bulk SMS for few days due to some unavoidable reasons, the cyber criminals are using it as latest ploy to dupe banking customers like you and me. This latest […]
Protect your login details, credit card numbers, passwords etc. with Keyscrambler
We keep talking of different security and privacy issues involved  while using the web . Along with these issues we do talk about the applications or tools that help you protect from these security threats. Thanks to TeXaCo I stumbled on a simple tool called Keyscrambler, which in its free version acts as a […]
How to use Credit cards on shared/public computer or cyber cafe
Many users across India use a public computers at Cyber cafe or any other public place to access internet. Even people across the world use a public or shared system to access the internet. Many times you need to use your credit or debit card for some online transaction like making a payment or booking […]
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