Lenovo has just refreshed its portfolio of sleek PCs in India with the launch of Yoga 2, Flex 2 alongwith G40/G50, Z50 and C260 devices. Out 0f these devices, Yoga 2 and Flex 2 are high-performance multi-mode laptops and G40/G50 & Z50 are mainstream laptops whereas C260 is an entry level All-In-One (AIO) device. With this […]
Posts by Avinash Kumar:
Haier smart AC : Control your Air Conditioners remotely from smartphone via an App
For most of us, Smartphones have become a necessity and with each passing day we are using it more and more to perform different activities of our life. Smartphones have become the center of our life. Thanks to the apps available for almost everything, you can do lot more on your smartphones than you ever […]
File Manager for Windows Phone 8.1 launched by Microsoft
If you own a Windows Phone, the most desired app for many of you had been a File manager. Till now, Windows Phone doesn’t have any file manager app which s a common in other platforms like Android which comes with loads of file manager apps. Microsoft has finally heard this user feedback and has […]
Whatsapp service goes down, Twitter abuzz with users reporting downtime [update: it’s back]
One of the most popular cross-platform mobile messaging app Whatsapp for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone seems to hit some sang. Whatsapp service appears to be down for most of the users worldwide. Whatsapp users around the world headed to Twitter to confirm that the disruption in Whatsapp service. You can access all the tweets […]
Download Free Bitdefender Internet Security 2014 License key (9 months)
Bitdefender Internet Security is one of the popular Antivirus / internet security solutions available for PC users worldwide to protect them from e-threats. Here is some good news for you if wanted to grab a Bitdefender Internet Security 2014 License key for free. Softpedia in partnership with Bitdefender is giving away unlimited license keys (for 3 […]
Add-on store for Google Docs’ spreadsheet and word processor apps launched
Add-ons if you remember changed the way we use web browsers like Firefox and Chrome for browsing the web. In terms of Smartphone, you can term these add-ons as the Apps which changed the way we use our mobile devices and are available in Android, iOS or Windows Store. Google today announced something similar for […]
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional 10 License keys Giveaway
For quite long time, we have not conducted any license key giveaways at Avinashtech. Finally we are getting back with a Giveaway. Today we are giving away 10 License keys of SUPERAntiSpyware Professional license key (1 user) to our readers. If you want to read the review of SUPERAntiSpyware Professional, you can read the review […]
Review: HL-3150CDN Brother India Printer
Till date I have reviewed Software, gadgets, apps etc and printers are yet to appear on my review list. Brother India’s HL-3150CDN Printer is the first printer that I have reviewed. HL – 3150CDN is a high Speed Colour Laser Printer with automatic duplex (2-sided) printing and networking capabilities, basically targeted at small office and home […]
Dropbox goes down, Hackers claim credit, Dropbox denies Hack
If you are a Dropbox user, here is some bad news for you. How bad , we still don’t know. If you try accessing Dropbox website now, You will be greeted with a message that “Dropbox is experiencing issues”. They claim to have identified the cause which was the result of an issue that arose […]
evasi0n7 1.0: untethered jailbreak for all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini running iOS 7.0-7.04 released
It’s Christmas and here is some really good news for you if you own any of the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad or iPad mini models running iOS 7.0 through 7.04. An untethered jailbreak evasi0n7 1.0 tool is released which will let you jailbreak your iOS devices running iOS 7.01 to 7.04 irrespective of whether its […]
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