We keep hearing of the term “Cloud” these days which basically means having your files on network of computers online accessible from anywhere in the world. There are loads of cloud computing services available online which you can utilize. Today we will talk about a tool Pogoplug which can help you to convert your Computer Into a Personal Cloud for Free.
The installation file is bit big though ~34.6 MB. Once installed you need to select files or folders on your system which you want to access remotely. The installation is as simple as any other windows application. While installing it will show you a guided tour to show you how it works. You need to create a free account after you install pogoplug. It can be created directly from the pogoplug interface.
After this, you need to select the folders which you want to access remotely using pogoplug. By default, it selects folders like your Desktop, My document. After you are done with the selection, it does a small indexing of the selected files and folders. If you want any custom folders to add, that too can be added very easily.
This also creates a drive in your computer making it easier to track files you share using pogoplug.
You can access all your files easily from anywhere by logging into pogoplug web interface easily. The web interface is simple to understand with no complications. Its arranged into different tabs like Files, Media, sharing, printers, backup etc.
It also makes sharing files quite easy. You can just select the files or folder you want to share and click share. It opens a interface by which you can either share it with a email address or on Facebook. If you want more options, then you can also generate a public link or share it on twitter, Myspace plus more.
It also provides free mobile applications for iPhone, iPad, Android and other mobile devices letting you access and share your files on the go.
The biggest drawback though, you need your system to be running and connected online for all this to work.
Give it a try and share your feedback here.
Mike M
May 1, 2011 @ 10:06 AM
Sounds very interesting
May 1, 2011 @ 11:39 AM
Useful software except for the one drawback that you have mentioned. 🙁
I’ll stick to dropbox rather than use my PC as a “server”