Most Apple iPhone 4S and iPad 2 owners were waiting for the release of untethered Jailbreak for their devices and finally it got released yesterday by “Dream team” consisting of @planetbeing, the legendary hacker behind iPhone Linux and lot of jailbreaks (see the iPhone wiki), (@MuscleNerd), the leader of the iPhone Dev Team and (@tp0sixninja), […]
untethered jailbreak
iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak on iPhone 4 working, confirmed
Looks like untethered jailbreak of iOS 5.0.1 on iPhone 4 is round the corner. @pod2g confirmed this on twitter. If you keep track of Jailbroken news, you will remember that he is the same developer who successfully jailbroken iPod 3g untethered. His tweet read ” Got an untethered iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1. Feel Free […]
How to jailbreak iOS 5.0 and iOS 4.3.5 (both tethered, No untethered now)
As most Apple Fan-boys are aware that Apple have released their latest iOS 5 version on October 12. Most users who would like to keep their devices Jailbroken are still awaiting a untethered solution for their devices so that they can keep up their jailbroken Apps and tweaks including Cydia. Looks like we still need […]
Ultrasn0w iOS 5 Unlock updated to compatible with iOS5
iPhone-dev team has released the updated version of Ultrasn0w iOS 5 Unlock which makes it compatible to iOS 5 which was released by Apple just few days back. This update is just for existing Ultrasnow users who already have applied ultrasnow to their devices. This update doesnt even add any new baseband to the existing […]
List of 250+ Cydia Tweaks, Apps Compatibile with iOS 5
One of the major reasons which are leading many users of Apple devices to postpone the upgrade to device is the non-availability of Unthered Jailbreak for iOS 5 and compatibility issues of Cydia tweaks and Apps with iOS 5. A tethered Jailbreak for iOS 5 device is already available though except for iPad 2, which […]
Untethered iOS 5 Jailbreak already covered? Looks like it is
Most users of Apple devices who are worried over the non-availability of Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5 must have a sigh of relief. The reason being that looks like the Untethered iOS 5 jailbreak is not dead as most of us thought of. Till now, we have been hearing only about the Tethered JB for […]
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