Competition is getting hot in messaging apps on smartphones and every app is trying to bring more features to get ahead in this race. WhatsApp being the leader here, is also introducing new features to stay ahead in the race. WhatsApp has just introduced another major feature to the messaging app and it brings Voice messaging capabilities to the app with a “Push to Talk” button. This can be viewed in relation to the coming release of Blackberry messenger coming to Android, iOS and Windows.
The Voice Messages feature is being rolled out to all platforms simultaneously i.e iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia and Windows Phone devices. The feature lets you instantly speak to a contact or group chat using WhatsApp and all Voice Messages are downloaded automatically.
To use Voice Messaging, you simply need to tap and hold on the “Microphone” button which is visible now along with the Arrow button ( which appears only when you start typing) that was present in earlier versions.
You can then record your message and send it. If you want to cancel in between, you can slide left to cancel instantly.
When your contact has listened to the message, the microphone icon will turn blue.
If you are a WhatsApp user, you will love this feature. It is being rolled out slowly and will be available to every user soon.
What is your opinion about it ? Do share your feedback in comments.
Source: WhatsApp Blog
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