In your email account how many contacts you have in your address book? Atleast few hundreds? or just less than hundred? Out of these contacts how many duplicate contacts you have in your address book or your contacts list? For most of us, merging duplicate contacts is a tough job to do as the number of contacts is too large making it a big task.

gmailIt seems Google Gmail guys have been working on this. Now you can find and  merge all duplicate Gmail contacts with just one button. When you navigate to your Gmail contacts now, there you can see a option to find “duplicate contacts” in additional to your usual number of contacts and details.

merge duplicate contacts

Just click on “Find duplicates” button and Gmail will give you a list of your duplicate contacts instantaneously along with the option to “Merge” those contacts by clicking a single button.


This is helpful in merging all your duplicate contacts and hence making your contact list compact. Its also helpful if you want to sync your contacts with your portable devices like Iphone, Blackberry etc.