How many of you use Facebook? And what about music? How many of you love music? What about combination of both Facebook and Music ? For those of you who love to listen to music and use facebook, here’s something that you would love. Now you can add Music to your Facebook status! using Jamendo facebook application.

fACEBOOK jamendo

It is done using facebook application for Jamendo letting you  connect both your Jamendo and Facebook accounts, and also use the application to post music from Jamendo on your Facebook profile! You can find your favorite tracks using keyword, genre or even mood to add to your status.

For those of you who never heard of Jamendo, it is a community of free, legal and unlimited music published under Creative Commons licenses letting you
share your music, download your favorite artists!

You need to add Jamendo application into your facebook profile to make this work. After that just find the track on jamendo and then you can update your status using the track easily. See the screenshot below for details.

facebook jamendo 1Now start using facebook and listen music plus start updating your stauts messages on facebook too.