Thanks to, everyone can grab Free Safe Returner  license for free valid for 1 year. Safe Returner is a good anti-malware tool.

Developers Description

Safe Returner is an awesomely impressive anti-malware tool which aids in the removal of Malware – Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware, Rootkit – when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. It has a self-developed heuristic malware detection engine which displays the severity of the Spyware threat, used ranging from High Risk, Moderate Risk, and Low Risk.

To grab the Free Safe Returner  license, Visit the Hacks Promo page. You can find the actual link promo link there at the end of article.

You just need to enter your email address to get the license. It is restricted to one license per email/ IP address.

You can Downloaded from the homepage of developer.

PS:- Thanks Ashwin for the tip.