USB Pen drives are a great tool for carrying out our data from one place to other easily, but they can also be responsible for virus infections on your system along with the easiest way to steal your confidential and sensitive data from your system.
Using a simple registry edit, You can Block USB Pen Drives to be used on Your Computer or disable it. It doesnt require anything too technical. You just need to change a registry value only.
Navigate to Start > Run and type regedit to open the registry editor.
In the left pane, navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Current-ControlSet\Services\ USBSTOR.
Double-click on the entry named Start in the right pane. Change the Value data: field from 3 to 4. Press OK to save it.
If you want to enable your computer’s ability to use USB drives again, you need to just set the value of Start to 3 again.
vista home security 2012 virus
December 27, 2011 @ 1:57 PM
Thanks for your information:)