Every time you receive a suspicious mail and are concerned about whether its real email or a phishy one, its difficult for a non-geeky person to identify if the email has arrived from the email address which as claimed in email. Even though there are loads of ways by which you can identify if the email is real one, but as I said its not easy for non geeky people. Today we will talk about a small application Iconix eMail ID which lets you verify the identity of sender of almost every incoming email.
Developers Description
When an email arrives, Iconix eMail ID uses industry standard technologies to verify the authenticity of the message. We use technologies like DKIM, Domain Keys and Sender ID which are backed by companies such as Cisco, Microsoft and Yahoo!
Every email sender is checked against a list of registered senders with ICONIX, Inc. It works with companies registered with Iconix, which includes more than 1500 companies such as eBay, PayPal, Citibank, Amazon.com, Expedia, and many others. Once an email has passed Authentication and Identification steps, a Truemark icon is displayed in your inbox to help you instantly recognize messages and know that they’re legitimate. Iconix eMail ID doesnt have a interface except a preference settings window
Iconix eMail ID supports Internet Explorer IE and Firefox. It also support popular webmail accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Hotmail and others as well as Outlook Express.
When I tested it on my Laptop with Windows 7 64 bit OS, it did work in internet explorer. But looks like it got few compatibility issues with Firefox 4 as it didn’t worked there. May be its either a issue of 64 bit OS or it still needs to upgrade to make it compatible with Firefox 4.
Give it a try if you are worried about the identity of the sender of every email that you receive.
lalit dev
April 13, 2011 @ 4:44 PM
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Avinash Kumar
September 27, 2012 @ 8:39 PM
Test comment
Avinash Kumar
September 27, 2012 @ 8:39 PM
reply again test comment