If you love Gmail and other google services, here is one more reason to do that. Google has just announced that they will be combining the storage space for Drive, Gmail and Google+ Photos to 15 GB instead of having separate storage limit of 10 GB for Gmail and another 5 GB for Drive and Google+ Photos.

This actually makes sense as most of us would like to have everything that we do at one place which can be accessed from anywhere using the web, instead of using separate services for different things.

Google Shared storage

It will give users better flexibility in using the storage space available to them for different services instead of worrying about hitting the storage space limit on one of the services.

Google Shared storage 15GB

For Google Apps customers, this storage space is double i.e they will be getting 30GB storage space shared between Google Drive and Gmail.

We are not sure how much impact this combined storage will have on other services like Dropbox and Sugarsync or for instance Microsoft SkyDrive, but hopefully it will mean more competition between them and users will get better services.

This combined storage is rolling out slowly and for most users, it is still to be rolled out. As per Google, it will take few weeks to roll out fully to all users.

Via: Gmail Blog

Google Apps customers: 30GB shared between Drive and Gmail