In my previous posts i had talked about Primopdf and magic pdf which does the job of converting any document to pdf format for free. Each one of them had its own advantages and the choice of using them depends on end user.
Today i will talk about another tool which does the same job. It does the job of pdf conversion by using a virtual printer which gets installed when you install DoPdf. For converting the file to pdf, you need to print that file using virtual printer installed by DoPdf and you are done.
This offers support for both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems with availability in 20 languages.. Also , you can change the resolution if you want. The PDF files created using this are searchable using search function and it uses almost negligible memory of your system.
May 27, 2009 @ 7:25 AM
yeah, this is very pleasant.
i also know some freewares about create pdf. you can convert word,excel,powerpoint to pdf.
best wishes!