There have been a lot of speculation and so called rumors going on Apple releasing iPad 2 soon in India. Looks like the rumors were correct. Just got a email confirmation from Apple that Ipad 2 is arriving in India on April 29th 2011, i.e 2 days from now.
Here is a screenshot from the official email from Apple.
We still do not have any official notification about Apple iPad 2 pricing structure, but hopefully it will be on the same lines as of Apple iPad 1. Stay tuned, we will put those when the figures are out officially. We dont want to speculate that.
More details about Ipad 2 can be found here.
April 28, 2011 @ 2:28 AM
Awesome news. I own iPad 2 and it is a big improvement over the first gen model. In America, the pricing structure remained the same, hopefully that will be true for India as well. The iPad 2 is thinner and a little bit lighter than the first gen model, and you get your choice of white or black colors. I chose the white model with the blue smart cover. The smart covers are actually really nice, the only con about it is it does not protect the back of the unit.
If anyone is thinking about a tablet, the iPad 2 is a good choice. The A5 chip is a dual-core processor and it is more responsive than the first gen model. Also there are two cameras, one in the front of the unit and one in the back, an LED display, it still keeps the Ipad’s incredible battery life and a host of additional features over the first gen model.
April 28, 2011 @ 9:51 AM
Apple never considered India as a market before, but looks like the success of Samsung Galaxy tab in India made them rethink and hence , iPad 2 is coming to India now. Pricing is a crucial component in India for any gadget to succeed as Indian Market is too much price sensitive. Hopefully they already know that and will bring it at a price which is good for users who want to buy.