It was just yesterday when more than 6.5 million passwords of Linkedin got hacked and then posted on a Russian website. Even though the passwords were encrypted, more than 300,000 passwords are said to have been already decrypted. Now we are hearing another leak from a popular online service. which lets you listen to free music with internet radio has reported about a possible leak of user passwords.

 The Team made a blog post announcing this.

We are currently investigating the leak of some user passwords. This follows recent password leaks on other sites, as well as information posted online. As a precautionary measure, we’re asking all our users to change their passwords immediately.

They even confirmed this password leak from their twitter account.

More details about this leak are still awaited. We will keep updating this post as we get more information about this leak. So, if you are a user, you are advised to change your account password now. You can change your password using the steps below.

  • Just log in to and change your password on the settings page
  • If you can’t remember your password or the password doesn’t work, then just reset it without logging in.
