How often you find your images look blurred after you enlarge them? Most of the times, if you are using your mobile or cell phone camera to click photos, the pictures would be of low megapixel quality and hence if you try to enlarge them, they will get blurred.

So is it possible to retain the quality while enlarging or at least to obtain minimum loss in image quality while enlarging them. There are few tools available , most of them being expensive ones and are for professional photographers. Today we will be talking about Smilla Enlarger, which is a free and open source tool availble for free and it does the work of enlargement good enough with minimum loss of qulaity.


1.  You need to download the files required. Its a standalone application and you need not install it. Just unzip in folder. Now run the EXE file of Smilla Enlarger.

2. When It starts with the graphical interface, just browse the Image file who want to enlarge and open it.

How to use Smilla Enlarger
How to use Smilla Enlarger

3. Now use the cropping square to select the area you want to enlarge. You can adjust the size of cropping window using the slider below.

4. Just use any of the default settings in the 2nd window (Marked 3 in the image above) and after that click the preview button to see the enlarged portion.

That’s all, you can save the enlarged image/photo and the quality is great.

Download Smilla Enlarger here.