Yesterday, something new happened for me at I recieved a mail from one of the readers ” dude stud” stating that he was getting a Html Iframe trojan warning with his ESET antivrus whenevr he is trying to open He sent me a screen shot too.
Initially i thought its a false positive as nothing i had added in recent time. But later on i thought to check the PHP files of the site. My passwords were working fine and FTP too was good. I started to check my files and found some infected files being injected with some malacious codes.
These pieces of malacious codes were resulting in the trojan warning. Luckily i was able to remove those piece of codes from infected files. Right now everything seems OK but still if anyone of you find something like a trojan warning or something similar please send me a email at support [at]
October 19, 2009 @ 1:12 AM
When ppl start attacking u it means u are on u r starting to prosper………(taken from the movie “Guru”)
October 19, 2009 @ 8:40 AM
may b mate. Thank you for your comment