Many of you for your day to day need to convert their documents to PDF and they don’t require too much functionality. You just need converting documents to PDF and nothing else but cannot afford expensive Adobe Acrobat Pro or any other paid software can have a solution in PrimoPDFa free PDF converter / creator.I have been trying to find out a good software which can be used for just simply converting my documents to PDF without any price tag as i don’t need to do any kind of editing or so many other things that Adobe offers in its big software package.This software comes from NITROPDF.

This simple PDF converter got some nice features like you can secure your document by inserting a password while converting it.Simple to use and free of annoying ads, making it easy to convert your files to PDF.You can even combine PDF files together.


  • Create PDF files from 300+ file types.
  • Make PDF documents for different uses, including online viewing, eBooks, office printing, and prepress (high-end printing).
  • Combine PDF files after they are converted.
  • Secure with passwords and add document information (title, author, etc.) during creation.
One thing, you need to have .NET framework 2.0 installed on your system as a pre-requirement.If you dont have it on your system it will download it for you while installation is going on.

[download primoPDF here.]