In today’s world , we deal with tons of formats of files whether you are dealing with documents, music, Videos, compressed files, CAD files or any thing else. We often come across scenarios when we need to convert the files to compatible formats for our use or some other reasons which compells you to convert file from one format to other.

This leads to File Conversion tools but its like you need to find conversion tools for each type. No universal file conversion tool lets you convert almost all formats of files. Zamar comes into picture here which most of you including me would never had heard of.

ZamarZamzar supports conversion between a wide variety of different file formats.

Zamar is basically a online tool that can convert almost any format of file to another format and that too without the need to download any form of software. You need to just upload the file to Zamar and tell it the output format of file you need. The converted file can be emailed also to your email address if you need.

Zamar convert

It supports almost every file type you can imagine of starting from PDF, Doc, MP3 and much more. I cant list each file type here. Visit this link to find out the enormous file types it supports. It will almost blow your mind and you would be amazed.

THe free version supports files up to 100 MB size and you can convert 5 files concurrently.

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